Construction of new wing in the 5th public school, Moschato
Building ConstructionPublic works
Client: Building Infrastructures plc
Budget: 1.250.000 €
Location: Moschato, Attica

Construction of a 1.300 m2 new wing in the 5th public school in Moschato, Attica.
- Two storey building in contact with the pre existing school building.
- “Berlin” type wall to avert landslides during excavation for the foundation.
- 6 full size classrooms.
- Restaurant, locker rooms, wc, storage spaces, boiler room, elevator engine room.
- Green roof.
- Construction of water supply, sewage, heating, electrical networks and elevator.
- Classification in the KENAK A+ category for energy performance:
- Thermal insulation of all the building external surfaces.
- Heat insulated windows and doors with energy efficient glazing.
- High performance natural gas heating system.
- Independent heating control per room with temperature and presence sensors.
- Independent lighting control per room with external lighting and presence sensors.
- Power supply for school yard lighting from stand alone solar system.
- Complete redesign and reconstruction of the school yard.
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